This toolkit is designed to help states create career pathways systems that integrate and expand partnerships between state human service agencies and community and technical college systems and institutions.
This practice guide provides community colleges with five specific recommendations for supporting occupational skills training through career pathways.
This Toolkit is designed to assist workforce intermediaries to gauge their capacity and effectiveness in leading and supporting the creation, improvement, and sustainability of high-quality career pathways.
This guide assists Kentucky school districts with many facets of the career pathways model as a technical assistance initiative.
This toolkit by the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative is designed to develop strong employment pathways and work opportunities for out-of-school and out-of-work youth between 16 and 24 years old. The toolkit supports community-based organizations and other intermediaries to understand regional workforce needs, including labor market data and employer demands, and the knowledge that is required to guide youth towards employment.
The federal Workforce Investment and Innovation Act (WIOA) has changed the landscape of adult education, focusing the field squarely on workforce development outcomes and programming that supports the integration of education and training (IET) and career pathways. This guide emerged from efforts to learn how eight adult education programs around the country have been integrating education and training.