Webinar / Webcast

A Roadmap to Inclusive Career Pathways: Promoting DEIA through Cross-System Partnerships

People with disabilities benefit greatly from partnerships that pave the way to both careers and inclusion. The National Center on Leadership for the Employment and Economic Advancement of People with Disabilities (The LEAD Center) hosted a webinar on February 2, 2023 to highlight the Roadmap to Inclusive Career Pathways tool and how the District of Columbia has successfully broadened its reach into underserved communities. Panelists shared their strategies, experiences, and resources to support inclusive career pathways, create partnerships across government agencies and with underserved communities, and promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) to enable people with disabilities to succeed in the workforce.

In this webinar, participants will:

• Gain a broad understanding of WIOA’s vision for career pathways to promote workforce development and equal opportunity.
• Explore options for strategic career pathways partnerships and opportunities to leverage resources across systems and improve engagement of underserved populations.
• Discover opportunities for systems coordination to improve employment and career outcomes for underserved populations, including youth and adults with disabilities.
• Learn about resources to engage businesses, leverage partnerships, promote career-based learning, advance DEIA, and support youth, all through an interactive, online inclusive career pathways tool.

Partner Resources
District of Columbia
Education and Training
Career Pathways
Special Populations
Disabled Individuals
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