Question / Response(s)

Question from New Jersey DHS

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New Jersey is establishing a food bank benefit consisting of a three day supply of groceries with TANF funds for families whose income is below 250% of the State's poverty level. Their concerns are that the benefit not be considered assistance, and that monitoring of usage to preclude recurrent use will present an administrative burden that will discourage contractors from joining the program. The non-recurrent, short-term benefit exclusion to the definition of assistance requires that the benefit is not intended to meet recurrent needs. This implies that a State should monitor usage. We are advising the State that they could develop guidelines recommending notification to the appropriate State agency if the contractor notices that the family is using the food bank on an on-going basis. The State has requested to know what practices other states have developed to define, monitor and resolve recurrent usage of food bank benefits that are classified as non-assistance. Please provide the names of states with such food bank programs, a State contact person, and a brief description of how recurrent usage is defined, monitored and resolved. Results of survey will be provided.

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October 2001
New Jersey DHS
New Jersey
Supportive Services
SNAP/Food Assistance
Special Populations
TANF Program Administration