Innovative Programs

PIVOT (Placing Individual in Vital Opportunity Training) Wage Subsidy Program

Mission/Goal of Program

The PIVOT Program provides quality job opportunities for the employable TANF population while serving as a resource for the hiring needs of local employers in Erie, New York. The goal of the program is to provide incentives to employers to hire clients with multiple barriers, and those that may need more time for on the job training. The program provides extensive case management, transportation subsidies, childcare supports, and acts as a mentor between the client/employee and supervisor/business. The job retention rate for PIVOT placements is 73% and 60% of the cases closed do not return to Social Services within a year of their closing, which is the length of time for which participants are monitored.

Programs/Services Offered
  • PIVOT is a wage subsidy program designed to meet the hiring needs of local employers by paying the full-time wages of the participant for six months, during training.
  • Individuals referred to PIVOT are assessed and screened to match skills with jobs/employer needs.
  • PIVOT is currently working with employers in the banking, hospitality, community service, legal, hotel, manufacturing, health, childcare, clerical, warehousing and retail sectors.
  • At the conclusion of the 6-month training period, clients become permanent employees with the respective companies.
  • After placement, PIVOT provides ongoing supportive services, monitoring and works as a liaison between the client and employer.
Start Date
Saturday, January 1, 2000
Type of Agency/Organization
Other Public Agency
New York
Geographic Reach
Clientele/Population Served
Subsidized Employment