Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to Strengthen the TANF Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF) proposes to improve the effectiveness and integrity of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) regulations. This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) would help families experiencing the greatest economic hardships benefit from the services that Congress intended for the TANF program to provide.
Specifically, the proposed rule puts forward for public comment seven changes to the current regulations that would increase program integrity, clarify allowable uses of TANF, and reduce obstacles for individuals trying to access support. These are:
- Establish a ceiling on the term "needy";
- Clarify when an expenditure is "reasonably calculated to accomplish a TANF purpose";
- Exclude as an allowable TANF maintenance-of-effort (MOE) expenditures cash donations from non-governmental third parties and the value of third-party in-kind contributions;
- Ensure that excused holidays match the number of federal holidays, following the recognition of Juneteenth as a federal holiday;
- Develop new criteria to allow states to use alternative Income and Eligibility Verification Systems (IEVS) measures;
- Clarify the "significant progress" criteria following a work participation rate corrective compliance plan; and
- Clarify the existing regulatory text about the allowability of costs associated with the disseminating program information.
Comments on these proposed rules from all TANF partners and affected parties are due to HHS by December 1, 2023 and can be submitted via this form.