
Noncustodial Parents: Summaries of Research, Grants and Practices

Much of the success of the Federal child support program is contingent upon the ability or willingness of noncustodial parents (NCPs) to provide financial support for their children. As a result, the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has an established track record of supporting demonstration and research projects focused on testing innovative program practices that enable NCPs to assume personal responsibility (financial and emotional) for their children. The purpose of this report is three-fold: 1) to disseminate information to the child support program and research community-at-large regarding State or local experiences in working with NCPs, 2) to share information on successes or lessons learned resulting from implementing these program interventions, and 3) to provide potential or future OCSE grantees with a baseline of information regarding projects that have been funded to date.

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Supportive Services
Child Support
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