Fact / Tip Sheet

Major Change in Who is Owed Child Support Arrears

This fact sheet from the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) examines the changing relationship of whether the government or the custodial family is owed child support arrears, and how this influences the financial stability of TANF participants. Child support arrears accrued during periods of TANF received have declined from 51% of total arrears in 2002 to 26% of total arrears in 2013; possible reasons for this decline include increased TANF arrears collection, or decreased number of cases on TANF, or the amount of TANF arrears owed per case. OCSE data collected since 1999 is used to analyze these potential reasons and a possible relationship with the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. Policies that continue to shift the distribution of TANF arrears from the government to families are shown to have a powerful effect on TANF participants’ financial success as well as state revenue.
Partner Resources
Supportive Services
Child Support
TANF Program Administration
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