Leading Through Change: Opportunities for Building the Capabilities of State, Local, and Tribal TANF Leaders to Improve Program Outcomes - Project Improve
The Office of Family Assistance will host a webinar on August 26, 2021 from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. ET on strengthening the skills of state, local, and tribal TANF leaders. Participants will learn about the building blocks of an evidence-informed leadership practice—strategic and visionary leadership, operational management, and developmental supervision—and the benefits to organizations and people. Project IMPROVE will launch the session with a description of leadership competencies, then facilitate a panel of leaders from across the country who will share tips from their leadership practice. This session is for leaders broadly, including program administrators, supervisors, team leaders/lead case workers, analysts, or trainers, among others. Content will also be relevant for emerging leaders.
Featured panelists include Amy Kershaw, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance and Marla Stuart, Deputy Director, Solano County Department of Health & Social Services. Michelle Derr of Adjacent Possible will facilitate the webinar.