Webinar / Webcast

Launching Urban’s Financial Well-Being Data Hub: A New Approach to Improving Financial Security and Advancing Equity

The Urban Institute is launching the Financial Well-Being Data Hub to harness the potential of consumer data to improve financial security and advance equity. Through the Data Hub, Urban will bring together different data sources to create a new data asset that offers a holistic understanding of financial well-being. By utilizing data from public and proprietary sources, as well as the financial experiences of individuals and families, Urban will inform evidence-based solutions that stakeholders across the financial well-being ecosystem can use to improve financial well-being and advance equity. To discuss how the Data Hub will advance actionable solutions for improving financial well-being, the Urban Institute will host a virtual event on February 21, 2023 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET.

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