
Just Economic Empowerment After Human Trafficking

Just Science hosted a Human Trafficking Policy and Research Analyses Project mini season and sat down with RTI International in episode two of the podcast to discuss a project which focuses on economic empowerment for those who have experienced human trafficking. For those who have experienced human trafficking, economic or financial consequences are often inextricably linked to their trafficking experience and may leave those people without the skills, resources, or social capital to meet their needs in the community. As part of the project, researchers are developing a guide to help service providers understand fundamentals and important considerations of implementing economic empowerment programs for people who have experienced human trafficking, including programming related to financial education, financial abuse, and supporting employment. This podcast episode describes promising practices related to economic empowerment programming for people who have experienced human trafficking, the experience of incorporating trauma-informed practices in human trafficking research, and recommendations for other researchers interested in this work.

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