Research-To-Practice Brief

Interactive Knowledge Map: The Effects of Parenting Programs for Incarcerated and Reentering Fathers

This Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation brief intends to help Responsible Fatherhood (RF) programs better serve fathers with criminal justice involvement by summarizing research on the effects of parenting programs for incarcerated and reentering fathers. The brief has three components:

• A description of parenting programs for incarcerated and reentering fathers, including the populations they serve and the types of services they offer,
• Highlights of what is known about the effectiveness of these programs from studies of parenting programs for incarcerated and reentering fathers, and
• A discussion of how the RF field can use this evidence to strengthen parenting services for fathers with criminal justice involvement.

Partner Resources
Family Strengthening
Special Populations
Incarcerated and Individuals with a Criminal Record
Publication Date
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