
An Evidence-Based Approach to Child Support

States, counties, and tribes are modernizing their child support programs through holistic, family-centered policies and practices that build partnerships with parents instead of adversarial relationships. They go beyond collecting money to address underlying reasons for nonpayment, ensure that children benefit from payments, and facilitate effective co-parenting. Family-centered child support policies put children where they belong: at the center of child support policymaking. The Centering Child Well-Being in Child Support Policy toolkit, developed by Ascend at Aspen Institute, features new analysis of state child support director survey data. The toolkit offers innovations on: 

  1. Family Distribution,
  2. Reducing Arrears,
  3. Right-Sizing Orders,
  4. Income Supports,
  5. Supporting Healthy Co-Parenting, and 
  6. Providing Equal Access to Justice.
Partner Resources
Family Strengthening
Two-Generation Approaches
Supportive Services
Child Support
Special Populations
Non-custodial Parents
TANF Program Administration
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