
An Evaluation of a Workforce Development Program for Domestic Violence Survivors in New York City

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey estimates that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience intimate partner violence in their lifetimes. Survivors of gender-based violence often face multiple barriers to employment, including limited skills, gaps in their education and work histories, housing instability, and mental health and substance use needs. Urban Institute conducted an evaluation of the Career Readiness Training Program, Sanctuary for Families’ workforce development program in New York City designed specifically for domestic violence survivors. This Urban Institute report explores the findings of the evaluation – for example, after completing the program, clients were more successful in overcoming critical barriers to employment such as low self-esteem, gaining employment, and improving financial self-sufficiency.

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New York
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Domestic Violence Survivors
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