Webinar / Webcast

Deploying Your Skills: Supporting Veterans' Transition to the Workforce

Transitioning out of the military can be daunting; for the many years that they served, veterans haven't experienced what the transitioning period of leaving the service brings to the forefront. There isn't a guaranteed 1st and 15th paycheck, and there is no healthcare unless they retired (20 years or more served or medically retired from the military). Veterans must move their families to a location that they deem fit for success of employment, education, and housing. The most important aspect of transitioning is finding constant employment to be able to survive in the civilian world. This National Association of Workforce Development Professionals webinar will take place on November 13, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. ET, to discuss the importance of supporting transitioning service members and strategies to support them through their journey.

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