Profile / Case Study

Case Study of a Program Serving Families Who Are Homeless: `Ohana Nui – Family Assessment Centers

This case study describes the Family Assessment Centers (FACs), which provide emergency shelters for families experiencing homelessness in Honolulu, Hawaii. The FACs represent an initial initiative under the `Ohana Nui service delivery framework, which is used across the Hawaii Department of Human Services (DHS) to support multigenerational families. The case study covers this program in detail, including where FACs operate and their context; what FACs offer; whom FACs serve; how they are staffed and funded; what services are provided by FACs; and how FACs measure program participation and outcomes. The case study also highlights accomplishments, challenges, and future plans.

Partner Resources
Family Strengthening
Two-Generation Approaches
Supportive Services
Housing Assistance
Special Populations
Homeless Families
TANF Program Administration
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