Profile / Case Study

Case Study of an Approach for Preparing Individuals with Low Income for Work: Kentucky Targeted Assessment Program

This case study profiles Kentucky’s Targeted Assessment Program (TAP), which provides comprehensive assessment and intensive case management for parents in the state’s child welfare and TANF systems. The program’s goals are to support participants in overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency and family safety with a focus on mental health, substance use, intimate partner violence, and learning disabilities or deficits in 35 counties statewide. The case study also notes services provided by TAP; how the program manages staffing, communication, and funding; and how program participation and outcomes are measured. The case study also highlights TAP’s promising approaches, challenges, and future plans.

(See also Resources on "domestic violence" in the Resource Library)

Partner Resources
Supportive Services
Child Welfare
Health/Behavioral Health Referrals and Supports
Special Populations
Disabled Individuals
Domestic Violence Survivors
TANF Program Administration
Case Management
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