Policy Announcement / Memoranda

Career Pathways Joint Letter

In April 2012, the U.S. Departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services formed a Federal partnership and issued a letter of joint commitment to promote the use of career pathways to assist youth and adults in acquiring valuable skills and industry-recognized credentials through better alignment with employers of education, training and employment, and human and social services. Building on that work, the Departments have expanded support to multiple agencies to foster better coordination of programs and services. In April 2016, the Obama Administration, through this Career Pathways Joint Letter, is demonstrating a strengthened commitment to promote career pathways, providing updated information and resources from the expanded Federal partnership to help States, regions, local entities and tribal communities integrate service delivery across Federal and State funding streams.
Partner Resources
OFA Initiatives
Career Pathways
Education and Training
Career Pathways
Publication Date