Stakeholder Resource

Call for Nominations to Participate in a Survey of Employment and Training Programs Integrating Financial Capability Interventions

Do you lead, work in, or know of an employment and training program that integrates financial capability interventions into its services? Financial capability interventions include:

• Financial education
• Financial coaching
• Financial counseling
• Credit counseling
• Or access to emergency savings programs, safe and affordable financial products, asset-building programs, or tax preparation assistance

MEF Associates and its subcontractor, the Urban Institute, in partnership with the OPRE, invite nominations of employment and training programs to participate in a survey to better understand how financial capability interventions are delivered in the context of employment and training (E&T) programs serving adults with low incomes. This survey is being conducted as part of the Integrating Financial Capability and Employment Services project.

Self-nominations or nominations of others are both welcome. Nominations can be sent to Please include the name of the program and contact information, if known.

Partner Resources
Education and Training
Asset Building
Financial Literacy and Education
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 
Supportive Services
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