Research-To-Practice Brief

Assisting Families Experiencing Homelessness with TANF Funding: Findings from a Survey of TANF Administrators

States have discretion and flexibility in how they use TANF funds to provide services to families experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. Some states partner with their state-level housing departments, direct providers of homelessness services, local public housing agencies, and/or Continuums of Care (specifically Emergency Solutions Grants programs). This research-to-practice brief includes findings from a 2019 state TANF administrators survey, a review of state TANF plans, and a county TANF administrator survey highlighting differences between state and county approaches to identifying and assisting families experiencing homelessness.

Partner Resources
Housing Assistance
Special Populations
Homeless Families
TANF Program Administration
Collaborations and Partnerships
TANF Policy and Legislation
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