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ACF Promotes Strategies for Involving People with Lived Experience in Grant Reviews

Every day, the funding decisions that the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) makes have a meaningful impact on the lives of children, youth, families, individuals, and communities. That impact can be enhanced if ACF listens to the people they are intending to help. ACF strives to reduce structural barriers and is working to advance equity through their funding opportunities, engaging people with lived experience, and through their efforts to ensure ACF content and resources are accessible. This ACF blogpost announces and highlights their new resource, Key Considerations for Involving People with Lived Experience in the ACF Grant Review Process. More than 10 ACF program offices, past grant reviewers, and partners with lived experience participated in dialogues and focus groups to develop this document. This new resource identifies considerations throughout the grant review process that will lead to greater equity through grantmaking.

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