COVID and Safety Net Innovation (CASI) TA Initiative
Video Series Explores Collaboration between TANF programs and Community Action Agencies
Partnerships between TANF-funded programs and Community Action Agencies (CAAs) are the focus of this video series released by the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) and the Office of Community Services (OCS). Filmed at four sites across the country, the five brief videos each look at how TANF programs and CAAs are working together to help shared customers achieve social and economic success. The videos are one result of the COVID and Safety Net Innovation (CASI) TA Initiative, a joint OFA and OCS initiative that provided technical assistance to TANF programs and CAAs, helping them develop a joint action plan to strengthen the safety net.

Building a Whole Family Approach
The Hampton Roads Community Action Program and the Virginia Department of Social Services have partnered in a pilot program focused on a whole family approach.

Collaborating to Strengthen Work Opportunities
Audubon Area Community Services and the Kentucky Transitional Assistance Program collaborate closely to deliver diverse, meaningful work opportunities.

Joint Planning for Anti-poverty Initiative
In Arizona, the CASI initiative supported Maricopa County Human Services Department and the Arizona Department of Economic Security as they planned a holistic approach to anti-poverty efforts in a rural community.

Serving a Rural Population
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership work together to effectively meet the needs of a far-flung, rural population.

Committed to AI/NA Culture
Minnesota DHS and MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership have a shared vision for supporting American Indian/Native American culture.