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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

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A number of states have created free Reality Check Calculators to help youth, students, and adults understand how salary, wages, careers, education, training, and budgets all interrelate. Reality Check Calculators can be used to estimate the cost…


From the USDA, this report includes information on how the agency's distribution of loan and grant funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) has helped the Nation's rural residents. The data show that millions…


From the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin, this brief describes the Wisconsin Poverty Project, and how data have been used to provide a view of both needs and resources on the state and local levels. Researchers…


Sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, this study examined the effect of the distribution of income and race/ethnicity across households and neighborhoods on the change in crime rates over a 30-year period in 352 cities. Cities with…


MDRC is currently conducting an impact evaluation of the New York City-based Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO). This report presents the interim results from the CEO program, which is a transitional jobs program designed to help former…


The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act) requires agencies to take proactive steps to provide equal opportunity to qualified individuals with disabilities, but their rate of employment with the Federal government remains low. The…


The U.S. Census Bureau released the latest statistics on poverty and family income for 2009. Poverty declined every year between 1993 and 2000, but increased from 2001 to 2004. Declining in 2005 and 2006, poverty again increased in 2007 and…


Many States are currently working to increase support services to improve the health and development of young children. From the National Center for Children in Poverty, this issue brief offers information, opportunities, and challenges that…


This paper is from the Brookings Institution, and authors provide an update to a September 2009 paper, which simulated the unemployment rate based on the data from 2009. Using recent data released by the Census Bureau, authors conclude that the…


This commentary was authored by Caroline Ratcliffe and Signe-Mary McKernan of the Urban Institute on children born into poverty. Poverty often starts at birth, which can lead to unstable housing, schooling, and nutrition; and data show that…

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