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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Fact / Tip Sheet

The National Transitional Jobs Network (NTJN) released a report that focuses on the designing and implementing of transitional jobs (TJ) programs that serve individuals experiencing homelessness. This report is particularly beneficial for TJ…

Fact / Tip Sheet

This fact sheet from the National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families offers suggestions for ways that safety-net service providers can help non-custodial parents explore non-financial mechanisms for participating in their children'…


This report highlights the funding efforts of the Administration for Children, Youth and Families in fiscal year 2012. Of particular note to TANF and Tribal TANF programs are the Family Connections Grants which fund seven programs designed to…

Journal Article

This article provides a historical look at federal policy as it relates to the employment of people with disabilities over the last 40 years. Of particular interest to TANF stakeholders is the descriptions of integrated employment and…


This brief from the Transitional Jobs Network highlights a variety of models currently being used to connect homeless individuals with employment. Models highlighted include transitional jobs, individualized placement support, alternative…


This report presents the final results of the evaluation of the Center for…


Almost half of TANF cases are "child-only" in which no adult is included in the benefit calculation. In about 4 out of 10 these cases, the children live with relatives or nonrelatives instead of their parents. The other 6 in 10 cases include…


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) caseloads have plummeted since the…


In the context of a public safety net focused on limiting dependency and encouraging participation in the labor market, policymakers and researchers are especially interested in individuals who face obstacles to finding and keeping jobs. The…


Social policy evaluations usually use classical statistical methods, which may, for example, compare outcomes for program and comparison groups and determine whether the estimated differences (or impacts) are statistically significant — meaning…

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