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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


By March 2020, states are required to submit WIOA Unified and Combined State Plans for the period of 2020-2023. To assist States and their partners, the Departments of Labor, Education, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services hosted a webcast…

Stakeholder Resource

This Urban Institute blogpost profiles Kentucky’s Justice to Journeyman program, a prison apprenticeship program. The blogpost notes a key feature of the model: starting classroom occupational instruction (for jobs not available at correctional…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) brief offers a summary and updated review of the Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE) initiative. OPRE reviewed 21 program models identified as fitting the evidence-based early…


This Urban Institute report is an evaluation of the Family-Centered Community Change (FCCC) approach, launched by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, at three pilot sites: Buffalo, New York; Columbus, Ohio; and San Antonio, Texas. The three FCCC sites…

Stakeholder Resource

This Annie E. Casey Foundation blogpost profiles A Place 4 Me, a community-based organization in Cleveland that improves outcomes for housing of youth transitioning out of foster care. The blogpost discusses the organization’s goals for ending youth…


This Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation report assesses the first round of HPOG grantees and reports the impacts of the HPOG model three years after a random controlled test. The report examines the impact that locally implemented HPOG…


This Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation report is a feasibility evaluation of the Bridges to Pathways (Bridges) program. The Bridges program addressed youth ages 17 to 21 exiting the criminal or juvenile justice system. Through the program…

Policy Announcement / Memoranda

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) issued a policy memo to share resources and tools that can help state agencies improve and expand their respective Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) E…

Stakeholder Resource

This Lumina Foundation brief offers a synthesis of third-party evaluations that measure and assess the impact of strategies used by two-year colleges to improve adult completion of non-degree credential programs. Strategies include the use of…

Profile / Case Study

This Child Trends report evaluates Nebraska’s Bridge to Independence (b2i) program for young adults who have recently exited from the foster care system. The program offers supportive services such as medical care, housing, and case management and…

Summary archive

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