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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.


CDHS requested TA regarding innovative and proven strategies for utilizing subsidized employment, supervised work experience and community service to meet work participation rates and increase self-sufficiency outcomes.


Authored by Mary Nakashian, this report describes a meeting that took place in Denver, CO, on August 10-12, 2004, sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). The meeting was designed to help substance abuse and welfare…


The following report describes the Urban Partnerships for Welfare Reform Academy III that took place in St. Louis, Missouri from March 8-11, 2005 to foster collaboration to improve administration and delivery of services to TANF families.

Question / Response(s)

The Rhode Island Rite Works Employment and Retention Services office would like to know how other States have minimized "no shows" for appointments they schedule for clients. Please describe strategies your state has used to get clients into the office and meet scheduled appointment times.


The training conference was to deliver training and education to program administrators to conform to Federal regulations, collaborate on faith- and community-based coordination, and to foster strategic plans for carrying out ACF's objectives.…

Question / Response(s)

The state of Iowa wants to find out how other States manage large caseloads while dealing with specific and different eligibility requirements/guidelines for Federal programs. How are regulatory differences in resources and income eligibility for TANF, Food Stamps and Medicaid are merged? Please share how you are successful in identifying barriers to providing seamless services.

Question / Response(s)

The State of Iowa would like to know of any States that are currently using any particular assessment tool for TANF participants? Do States have "best practices" or "best assessment tools" that they are willing to share?


The purpose of this seminar was to provide State representatives the opportunity to join with Federal partners on identifying and sharing information related to service integration efforts. The conference was centered on peer-to-peer learning…

Question / Response(s)

Have any states developed a program where they issue monetary bonuses to TANF individuals who retain employment for a designated period of time? If so, please describe the program. Also, please share what you have learned about the effectiveness of such programs, and please share what helped make your program successful and what pitfalls to look out for when developing a program. Thank you!

Question / Response(s)

New Jersey is seeking information on other States' processes/policies for determining temporary or permanent medical exemptions from the TANF work requirement. In other States, who makes the medical exemption determination (i.e., the agency worker or a doctor?)? Also, is there a State review of decisions? Thank you very much for any information you can provide.

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