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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Conference Paper

This was a session at the Urban Partnerships Initiative's National Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Chicago and Houston city partners shared strategies from their cities on getting to full engagement through integrated case management teams.


This was a session at the Urban Partnerships Initiative's National Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta and Kansas City, MO city partners offered strategies on tracking work participation rates through innovative case management.


The Welfare Peer TA Network sponsored this statewide Forum event that took place in Jacksonville, FL on May 23-24, 2006. This Roundtable brought together stakeholders from around the state to help sustain Florida's Prosperity Campaign to improve…

Question / Response(s)

What are other states doing in regards to contractor incentives and pay-for-performance contracts? Which states have contracts where payment is based on clients achieving certain outcomes and what percentage of payment in those contracts is based on clients achieving those outcomes?

Question / Response(s)

We are looking for information related to established TANF staffing standards or current staffing figures/ratios. Does anyone know of a resource or publication that has collected this information? Or, please let me know if your state or agency has established staffing standards or accessible staffing figures.


This resource reviews the Administration for Children and Families' Healthy Marriage Initiative, which was designed to support President Bush's goal of increasing healthy marriages by focusing attention and action on strengthening marriages and…

Question / Response(s)

Philadelphia would like to find out the methods other states use to track client participation (hours) once they have obtained employment and are in the job retention phase of participation. Philadelphia must obtain pay stubs or a letter from the employer verifying hours, but this is very challenging. Do other states use any other methods, and if so, what are they? Thanks.


This report provides an overview of the promising practices presented at the joint Peer TA/Urban Partnerships for Welfare Reform Big Five Roundtable. The California Department of Social Services made a Technical Assistance (TA) request on behalf…

Question / Response(s)

Can states give examples of any best practices or innovative strategies to re-engage clients in sanction status?

Question / Response(s)

New Jersey is seeking information regarding excluding vehicles as an asset/resource for eligibility. Thus, my questions are directed to those states that have excluded vehicles as a resource. 1) What was the policy basis for your state excluding vehicles as a resources? 2) Did excluding vehicles increase the number of TANF and/or Food Stamps recipients? 3) Were there any problems getting vehicle exclusion through the regulatory or legislative processes?

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