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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Research-To-Practice Brief

This research-to-practice brief highlights data from the 2009 National Household Travel Survey. Data indicates that low-income households spend a higher proportion of their income on transportation expenses. This disproportionately affects African…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This policy brief from the Working Poor Families Project (WPFP) highlights key state policy decision points related to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and considers ten key provisions within WIOA that can help…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The Child Welfare Information Gateway released a brief that provides an overview of the crossover between the child welfare and human trafficking fields. There is a particular focus on sex trafficking of children and youth, since that type of…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief from Ascend at the Aspen Institute provides information about two-generation strategies and shows how the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act offers opportunities to advance two-generation strategies around…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Many programs within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) work with incarcerated individuals and individuals with a criminal history to promote economic self-sufficiency and social well-being for them, their families, and communities.…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This brief is part of a series offered by Jobs for the Future, Bridging the Gap: Postsecondary Pathways for Underprepared Learners, to help communities build effective employer-educator partnerships to increase college and career…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This series of policy briefs focuses on three basic TANF components: cash assistance, block grants, and work participation rates. The briefs, geared toward policymakers, practitioners, and advocates within all levels of government, explain the…

Research-To-Practice Brief

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) developed a brief intended primarily for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners working in the field of teen pregnancy prevention research. Most teen pregnancy prevention…

Research-To-Practice Brief

This policy brief from the Working Poor Families Project highlights the importance of college completion for being successful in the American workforce. By 2020, 65% of jobs will require at least some form of postsecondary education; however, today…

Research-To-Practice Brief

Infants, toddlers, and children living in high-poverty communities experience a high rate of exposure to trauma, placing these youth on a compromised developmental path. This issue brief summarizes research about the impact of trauma on young…

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