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The OFA PeerTA Archive captures historical information from the website for reference and record-keeping purposes. The PeerTA site contains information posted within the past three years. You can search for any prior information below.

Stakeholder Resource

The New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) is helping TANF participants with opioid/substance involvement to obtain and maintain employment. Reflecting the belief that all participants are employable, four New York City providers have…


This video from the Center for Court Innovation explains the UPNEXT program, a workforce development program for fathers, many of whom have interacted with the justice system. The information is given from the perspective of a successful program…

Stakeholder Resource

This article summarizes several listening sessions that the National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse held with fathers to gain information about workforce development efforts. It highlights three main themes and suggestions that emerged from…

Summary archive

OFA Initiatives Archive

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