Profile / Case Study

Scotts Valley Tribal TANF Program LASER TLC Site Journey

The Office of Family Assistance initiative, “Leveraging America’s Social and Economic Resilience TANF Learning Community” (LASER TLC), supported ten TANF Programs across the country as they worked to address the challenges of human service delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and focused on improving and delivering more responsive services to their TANF families. This document shares the Scotts Valley Tribal TANF Program’s journey during their participation in the 18-month learning community. The site journey conveys how their LASER TLC site team, along with support from their dedicated coaching team and application of the LI2 framework, contributed to developing their action plan and strategizing the implementation of their change agenda to benefit TANF families.

OFA Initiatives
Leveraging America’s Social and Economic Resilience TANF Learning Community (LASER TLC)
Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians (CA)
Supportive Services
Special Populations
Tribal TANF
Publication Date
Section/Feed Type
PeerTA Resources (OFA Initiatives)
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