Webinar / Webcast

The Radar Approach to Job Retention

Many of the reasons that people with barriers to employment will not show up on the first day of work, quit jobs, or get fired are present with them before they start employment programs. Work brings these reasons to the surface. The Radar Approach to Job Retention model works by providing an early warning system that identifies potential firing and quitting problems before people go to work. It is also an early identification system for building on the retention strengths that everyone brings to the employment process. The National Association of Workforce Development Professionals will host a virtual session on September 26, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. CDT that will highlight various aspects of the approach, including integrating retention into every program component so that it works like radar spotting and addressing the early warning signs of job loss as well as surfacing and enhancing assets to retention. There is a registration fee for participation.

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