
2021 National TANF Directors’ Meeting: Closing Remarks and Prayer

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Family Assistance (OFA) conducted the 2021 National TANF Directors’ Meeting from September 20 - 24, 2021. Lisa Washington-Thomas of OFA and OFA Acting Director Susan Golonka provided closing remarks reflecting on TANF at 25 and followed with references to the plenary, concurrent sessions, peer exchanges, and associated activities which supported the central meeting themes of serving vulnerable families with service innovations, proven data analytics, and culturally competent staff, while advancing racial equity through the lens of improved service provision. They acknowledged the support of state, Tribal, and Federal staff involved with the planning and organizing of the virtual meeting, thanked the speakers and attendees for their participation, solicited session feedback, and asked attendees to return the next day for presentations on leadership and innovation. Elaine Topsky from Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF gave the closing prayer encouraging all to stay strong and continue to serve families and their communities amidst these uncertain times.
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